Chicago Cop Throws Coffee At Motorcyclist

A police officer throwing a cup of coffee at a passing motorcyclist is reprehensible. Not only is the act unbecoming of a uniformed officer, and completely outside the realm of professionalism, it is dangerous for the biker and those riding around him as well as endangering other motorists and pedestrians. Not to mention further tarnishing the reputation of a police force under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice.

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Officer Jerk Back On Patrol

Remember Officer William Figueroa, the pepper-spraying cop? If you need a reminder click here: Why Is This Cop Macing Motorcyclists?, and here: Pepper Spraying Texan Cop’s Excuse Is Complete BS.

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Why Is This Cop Macing Motorcyclists?

From the Pandora’s Box of bad ideas comes a video of a Fort Worth police officer pepper spraying motorcyclists. In what alternate universe is it a good idea to blind a person operating a motorcycle? What could possibly be his reason for stepping out of his cruiser and spraying a toxic substance into the path of what appears to be a group of law-abiding bikers? Hopefully, East Texas Heat Productions has submitted this video as evidence for getting this A-hole police officer stripped of his badge, gun and authority. On the bright side, at least no one got shot.

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