You Could Learn to Ride..

...or "learn to ride to help the poor".

However, that works only if you are famous, rich (and beautiful), of course. What better way to help the poor than bring them food on your shiny new MV Agusta Brutale S?

Read the story here

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Jolie takes motorcycling lessons to help poor

Wednesday, 04 May , 2005, 19:37 London:

Tomb Raider star Angelina Jolie has proved that charity work forms an important part of her life. In her latest efforts the actress is taking motorcycling lessons to help the poor.

According to The Sun, the actress has been learning to ride a 750cc MV Agusta Brutale.

She plans to use her skills in her role as a UN ambassador, by delivering food aid to the needy in hard-to-reach areas.

Angelina, 29, bought the bike at Red Dog Motorcyles in Edenbridge, Kent.

"She's having lessons on land near her home in Buckinghamshire. She's a natural," a source was quoted by the Sun, as saying. ANI


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