Today's Scott Russel Update

The following update is from Scott's Sister, Sherri Russell:

"Hey good morning. Just wanted to give you guys an update on Scotty'sprogress. He has been moved to a private room, and the first stage of grafting is complete. They used a product called Nu Skin, it is a form of artificial skin that allows Scott's real skin to grow through it. The remaining stages will have to come from Scott's own skin...

"We will be consulting with Scott's plastic surgeon here in Atlanta (theone who did Scott's eye). We will have him contact the plastic surgeon at Halifax to decide on the best method to proceed with.

"We had a massage therapist come in today to help ease the tension inhis back from laying down for too long. Hopefully that will give him a small degree of comfort. He is definitely ready to come home and start rehab immediately."

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Danielle Grossman

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