Fortune Magazine Recommends Harley

Brent Avis
by Brent Avis
Harley-Davidson Motor Company has madeFORTUNE Magazine's annual list of 100 Best Companies to Work For, coming inat No. 92. This is the third time in four years that Harley-Davidson hasbeen on the list.

More than 36,000 employees at the candidate companies filled out the GreatPlace to Work Trust Index, an employee survey that evaluates trust inmanagement, pride in work and the company, and camaraderie....

Details will be available in the Jan. 8, 2001, issue of FORTUNE, which hitsthe newsstands Dec. 25, 2000. Robert Levering and Milton Moskowitz,best-selling authors of The 100 Best Companies to Work For in America,assisted FORTUNE in compiling the list.

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Brent Avis

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