New TN State Law: Requires Safety Equiptment

Brent Plummer
by Brent Plummer
The Tennessee Chronicle is running an an excellent piece on a new state law that requires additional safety equiptment for all motorcycles.

An excellent read on a disturbing topic, the article describes some seemingly seedy motivations for this legislation, and why bikers don't agree with it: A spokesman for the American Motorcyclists Organization (sic)claimed that "This legislation is nothing more than an attempt to flex [their] muscle. He's[Clabough] sore about all the heat he's been getting because of the Koella fiasco."

They believe that because of pressure they have encouraged their membership to put onSenator Clabough as well as Governor Don Sundquist, this legislation is an attempt to strike back at the motorcycling community in general. This confrontation began in 1996 when amotorcyclist was killed in an accident involving the late Senator Carl A. Koella. Somemotorcyclists were unsatisfied with the court's verdict, in which Senator Koella was fined$2,500 and sentenced to perform 30 days of community service. When Senator Koella diedlater due to complications following heart surgery, a section of highway was named after him.The bill which made this possible was introduced by Senator Clabough and signed byGovernor Don Sundquist.

Is it me, or does it seem like all the legislation these days is going against bikers?

Maybe I'm being paranoid, but at this rate, we're going to be wrapped in inflatable body armor and allowed to ride only on the fourth Tuesday of months when Orion is high in the sky...

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Brent Plummer
Brent Plummer

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