Top 10 Father's Day Gifts Between $50-$100

Last week, in anticipation of Father’s Day, we listed the Top 10 Father’s Day Gifts Over $100. Now, it seems only fair to bring you a list of gift ideas between $50 and $100. These items don’t require that Dad be a member of any particular motorcycle tribe. In fact, the goal here was to make the ideas as universal as possible while keeping the cost in the range that even the poorest college student (or back living at home grad) can afford. Consider it a worthwhile investment, since Dad is the one who put a roof over your head, food on the table and motorcycles in the garage. While we still have a couple weeks before the big day, time is running out, and who wants to pay for overnight shipping costs for budget-conscious gifts?

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Top 10 Father's Day Gifts Over $100

With Dad’s day coming up in a little more than two weeks (that’s June 15 for the procrastinators out there), we here at wanted to compile a list of things we think all the riding dads out there would like to receive as a token of appreciation. No matter what you ride or where you ride it, over the next three weeks we’ll be bringing you 30 gift ideas sure to satisfy. Each week will be broken down into three different price categories, with this week’s 10 gifts starting at over $100, in ascending order. For the more frugal amongst you, the next two weeks will focus on gifts a bit lower in price. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

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