MO Tested: REV'IT! Jerez 3 Glove Review

I’m very particular about the fit of my gloves. That in itself can make it difficult to find a pair that I’m truly happy with. When it comes to finding a pair that fits well with a one-piece suit, I hadn’t had much luck until the REV’IT! Jerez 3 gloves came down the pipeline. I was able to use the Jerez 3 with the REV’IT! Quantum one-piece suit, which ended up being one of my favorite suit/glove combos to date. 

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MO Tested: Racer High Racer Glove Review

When it comes to any kind of riding gear, comfort is key. This is especially true when it comes to gloves. Since your hands are pretty darn important to riding, if a glove doesn’t fit well, it doesn’t matter what sort of advanced materials or techno-farkles it has. It’ll just sit on the shelf, anyway. Now, there are plenty of comfortable gloves out there, but as far as race gloves go, I’ve never worn a pair that were instantly as comfortable as the High Racer Glove from Racer. Forget the old baseball analogy, now when I hear “it fits like a glove,” the High Racer is what I’m talking about.

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MO Tested: Spidi Carbo 4 Glove Review

About the time I received the Spidi Carbo Rider jacket, the Spidi Carbo 4 glove arrived with it and boy, do they look good together. A match made in Ukraine and China respectively (with both designed in Italy, of course). Ya know, I’ve noticed that glove preference can be quite polarizing. Some folks swear by gauntlet gloves, for daily wear or in inclement weather, they pull those gauntlets on with pride to show their superiority over short cuff glove wearing fools everywhere. Others can’t really stand gauntlets, which until more recently, was my MO (hehe, see what I did there). Of course, I would wear them at the racetrack, but just about any other time, I preferred short cuff gloves. I’ve tried all sorts of weather resistant gloves too; Gore-Tex, short, long, etc. Some have done their job and some haven’t despite being gauntlet or short-cuffed. Around town, you’ll usually see me in short-cuffed mits. The Spidi Carbo 4 is the first gauntlet glove I’ve liked enough to use without a race suit on. 

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