First Ride: Victory Vegas

Calvin Kim
by Calvin Kim
Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 21, 2002 -- I was lost. A thunderstorm was brewing and I could smell it. But I could also smell something else. What was this pungent aroma anyway? Ahhh... delicious manure. They say one of the things that makes motorcycle ridingso unique is tha that you can be immersed in your environment. Sometimes that's not so good. Anyway, here I was at the corner of L and M or K and Q or somesuch, somewhere in the middle of Minnesota or Michigan orone of those states, and a storm was brewing.

At least the roads were good. Funny the things you think of when you're lost. I panicked a little bit. I wondered what would happen if I ran out of gas or broke down, or worse yet, if the weather caught up with me. Hey, it snows here, doesn't it? I thought about how much of a klutz I was for leaving my cell phone back at the hotel.

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