As the Intern Turns

Dateline Pocatello, ID:

MO's fresh-faced bodhisattva, Tim B, has just completed the Great Northern Rockies portion of his adventure tour from the farmlands of the Midwest to LA and the offices of MO. He left here a few hours ago in great spirits and with a full head of steam, pointed south. I believe that the plan is to head down US 89 to southern UT, head around the North Rim of the Grand Canyon to Flagstaff, AZ, down Oak Creek canyon to Sedona, over the mountains to Prescott and then west to LA. For those of you keeping track of Tim's progress he's been from Kansas City to Colorado Springs, over Independence Pass to Aspen, to Grand Junction, up to Rangely and over to Vernal, UT (where we hooked up), from Vernal north to Flaming Gorge, west to Evanston, WY, over the mountains to Logan, UT, and up to Pocatello. An eye-popping experience for a Midwestern kid on his first motorcycle trip to the west. And all in just two days (and part of one night).

Tim's a distinctive figure tooling along under the great open skies of the west: red and white Joe Rocket Ballistic Jacket, tan Carhartt 12 oz construction worker pants and brand new SIDI boots. This is important because if you see someone of this general description wandering in the desert somewhere east of LA it might well be our man - as the rear tire on his SV-S will almost certainly be completely shagged long before he reaches MO-ville. As there was no advance from MO (and no pay until he submits his story), and since he left here with about $3 and change in his cavernous pockets the potential for trouble looms large down the road. One shudders to think of the possible temporary career detour (legal in Nevada) our young colleague may be forced to explore in order to fund further travel should the worst occur. For those of literary bent it invokes images of Jack Kerouac, penniless, in his travels across North America circa 1949. Perhaps another On the Road is in the offing?

One could not, by the way, want for a more affable (or excitable) companion for the road. Tim is enthusiastic about everything. Pretty forthright too. The part of this saga that's going to be fun to keep an eye on is when Tim finally reaches LA. Imagine a straight arrow son of the bible belt who eschews all manner of unlawful behavior (except speeding), so squeaky clean that he may well have been born without original sin, rolling into his new circumstances in the MO den of sin and iniquity. I'm thinking of what happens when one chucks a large chunk of sodium into a mud puddle. And just in time for July 4th.

While Tim was here in Idaho I discovered that he'd never ridden a dirt bike. Good manners, of course, dictated that he immediately be turned loose on a hopped up large bore thumper for a solo blitz on the trails in the mountains nearby (an idea that even the hoodlums at HQ questioned). Well maybe not immediately, but after no more than 90 seconds of comprehensive instruction. And this barely 12 hours removed from the insane middle of the night blast through the mountains necessary to get here during which Tim dutifully followed me around endless blind corners on one of the blackest nights ever. All in all I'd have to say the lad's taken Bokonon's foma , "peculiar invitations to travel may be dancing lessons from god" completely to heart.

Best of luck, Tim. I'll look forward to reading your story. Don't let the infidels in SoCal work you over. You are welcome back here any time.


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George Obradovich
George Obradovich

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