Women Motorcycle Riders Set To "JUST RIDE" For Globally Synchronized Action on 12th International Female Ride Day
Attention ladies! The 12th International Female Ride Day is Saturday, May 5, 2018. Women from all over the world are encouraged to hit the road, trail or track and “Just Ride!”
Begin Release:
Toronto, Canada, April 5, 2018 – The largest women’s motorcycling happening, International Female Ride Day© (IFRD) will see women riders take over the world’s roads on Saturday, 5 May for its 12th edition. Women motorcycle enthusiasts join in for the once-a-year global action to “Just Ride!©”. The day spotlights and promotes female riders of all ages, all styles, and all brands of motorcycling. IFRD can be enjoyed with a solo ride, a group ride, or with a few friends – either on or off-road. It is the most important, most unique and culturally embraced occurrence for women in motorcycling on the planet.
Women riders continue to fuel IFRD’s synergy and its integral role of building friendships, and women rider camaraderie – while simultaneously inspiring women to continue riding, or take up motorcycling. The 12th edition will again host celebrations by renowned women’s motorcycle clubs, foundations, associations and individuals’ all taking to their handlebars to support IFRD’s global action for women in motorsport. There are weekend events, day events, off-road days, track days and national promotions in support of the first Saturday in May. Riding in unison, women represent their country, culture and region. Canada, USA, Iceland, India, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Caribbean, England, Germany, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, Japan, China, Israel are just some of the participating regions.
“Just Ride!” photo sharing as well as participating in the world-wide photo contest, is an important tradition of every IFRD. The 2018 IFRD photo contest details will be announced shortly on the IFRD Facebook platforms.
The official IFRD collectible t-shirts and merchandise are available online again for 2018. These have become treasured wearable statements worn affectionately by women riders on the day.
IFRD is a pivotal happening for women’s empowerment and equality in motorsport. It continues to compel women riders as well as leading global motorsport associations, and manufacturers to that of representing women at all levels – in the activity of motorcycling.
About International Female Ride Day
International Female Ride Day (IFRD) is a globally synchronized ride day for women motorcycle riders. Now referred to as a “movement” by its participants, its action of “Just Ride!©” asks women to be on their motorcycles, scooters or trike’s on the first Saturday of May each year. Created in 2007 by Vicki Gray, a lifetime motorcycling advocate, road and race instructor – with the purpose to profile and highlight the many diverse women enjoying the activity of motorcycling. IFRD was created to restate the fact that women are an existing motorsport demographic and have enjoyed motorcycling since its invention. IFRD equally inspires women to take up motorcycling, to meet other women riders while building camaraderie across all cultures around the world. International Female Ride Day© is managed under the MOTORESS® canopy – the global online magazine and motorcycling resource for women who ride.
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