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Motorcycle.com Staff
by Motorcycle.com Staff

How NOT to destroy your bike in transit . . .

By Motorcycle.Com Staff, Aug. 15, 2004
I am very happy to report that I will soon be purchasing an '01 speed triple from a gentleman who lives about 100 miles from me in the far reaches of northern California. Now the hard part. He won't deliver it. I have no other mode of transport. I insist on completing this transaction in person.

This all amounts to the fact that I must rent a box truck or pickup to shuttle the bike back to L.A. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, this is something I've never done before. Moreover, little could be more embarassing or infuriating then ravaging the bits and pieces of your new steed because you didn't strap it down correctly.

So here it is. The chance for you squids to unleash all that formerly useless knowledge and put it to good use. You know, the morsels your wives and girlfriends said would never come in handy. Tell me the best way to keep my new best friend from suffering unecessary road rash well riding shotgun down the treacherous freeways of southern California. What are the key contact points and packing accessories that will massage her sweetly to sleep, instead of introducing her to the school of hard knocks 405 style?


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