Tomfoolery - Video Killed The Motojournalist Star

In the course of obtaining my journalism degree, I remember being presented with a career path choice: Print or Broadcast. To me, one entailed the gathering and processing of facts into digestible chunks of prose accompanied by a photojournalist’s images. The other was wearing a yellow rain slicker while standing in a hurricane and informing people how windy it is (cut to the B-roll of some unlucky evacuee’s roof being blown off).

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Tomfoolery - Looking To Get Ahead Of The Curve

A long time ago, in a small town far, far away, the motorcycle dealership at which I worked hired a new service writer. His name was Bart. Days before Bart was to begin he was involved in an accident. Nothing critical, but his start date was pushed back giving him time to recuperate and deal with insurance, law enforcement and transportation matters.

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