Redford's Going to Ride

Brent Avis
by Brent Avis
Out of Hollywood, California comes the report that Robert Redford is going to executive produce a film called ``The Motorcycle Diaries,'' which is based on the classic Che Guevara memoir. Walter Salles (''Central Station'') is going to direct the film.

The book centers on a 7,000 motorcycle trip the late freedom fighter took through the deserts and mountains of South America. The picture will be made in association with Italian journalist Gianni Mina, who acquired the screen rights from Guevara's widow in Cuba.

The project will be financed under a deal Redford's Wildwood Enterprises banner has with Epsilon, a joint-venture between German media firm Kirch and Italian broadcaster Mediaset.

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Brent Avis
Brent Avis

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