Buying Motorcycles From the Internet Staff
by Staff
With the advent of the Internet marketplace, consumers can shop for their potential new steed online, comparing prices and deals available nationwide. But there are drawbacks to actually buying your new motorcycle online, ranging from misrepresentation or shipping costs, to local dealers being unwilling to perform warranty repairs or recalls in a timely fashion, or at all. The question becomes whether it's worth it to to try to save a few hundred dollars by buying online. Case in point, a local dealership quotes a price on a new ZX-10R that is $500 more than an online dealership 500 miles away. When the local dealer is presented this online price during negotiations, the response is that by saving $500, it could be difficult getting warranty repairs performed if the bike isn't purchsed at this dealership.

Although sounding like a threat, the reality is that it isn't worth the chance. The local dealer's point is made. But what if there is a dealer within a reasonable distance that is heavily discounting a bike that you want. It would be ridiculous to pay full retail when you can save a lot. The main purpose of this writing is to promote discussion and relate experiences on this subject. What responsibility does a dealer have to perform warranty repairs and recalls on a bike bought from a different dealer?

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