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Motorcycle.com Staff
by Motorcycle.com Staff

Brosh Summer Jackets

By Sean Alexander, Jun. 23, 2004
Is it just me, or is it hotter than Hillary Clinton at a Monica Lewinsky fundraiser? Last year Yossef was bitching and moaning about how "Hot" it was over in Euroland. Always the Sucker, Crashley decided to send poor Yossef our entire lineup of hot weather riding gear. Problem is, this is MO and at MO nothing gets done, until it has been procrastinated-off for at least a month or two and as it turns out, Yossef didn't receive his jackets until right around the time of the first snow in Italy.

Now that it has thawed enough to un-stick his tongue from the local flagpole (shhh... I know what you're thinking, let's not even go there), Yossef has decided to test and review these two Brosh Jackets,

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