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by Motorcycle.com Staff

DoD recruits MSF to run focus groups

Military motorcycle fatalities still a concern
By Motorcycle.Com Staff, Jan. 15, 2010
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation will conduct focus groups with military personnel for the Department of Defense.

The MSF will run four focus groups for the Defense Safety Oversight Councils Private Motor Vehicle Task Force. The goal is to identify effective ways to reduce military motorcycle accidents and fatalities through all branches of the U.S. military.

Each group will be located near a military installation. Participants will include motorcycle-riding personnel, primarily sportbike riders. Officers and commissioned personnel will be sampled separately.

This initiative falls in line with the PMV Task Force's strategic plan for the overall reduction of PMV mishaps across the Department of Defense, says Major General Fred Roggero, DSOC PMV Task Force Chair. These focus groups have the potential to identify core issues, target initiatives and ultimately save lives.

The MSF held a similar, but smaller, focus group in 2008. Al Hydeman, MSF director of research, design and development, conducted the group which included sportbike riding service members.

That focus group was successful in identifying the habits, behaviors and attitudes inherent to this population, says Maj. Gen. Roggero.

The new focus groups will build on the previous group and identify attitudes towards motorcycling and motorcycle peers, effectiveness of current countermeasures, barriers to change and other feedback.

Were honored to be part of the Department of Defenses ongoing efforts to make motorcycle riding safer for military service personnel, says Hydeman. Conducting focus groups is an effective way to get past the stereotypes and focus on core issues and solutions.

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