Poll: What's Your Idea of the Ultimate Trike?

Seth Fargher
by Seth Fargher

Do you prefer handlebars or a steering wheel?

With the release of Can-Am’s Spyder and the Polaris Slingshot, motorcycle enthusiasts who prefer more than two wheels now have more options than the traditional trike. For those trike fans among us, we’re curious which of these three styles you like the most?

What’s Your Idea of a Trike?
Seth Fargher
Seth Fargher

More by Seth Fargher

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2 of 31 comments
  • Eric Eric on Jul 14, 2017

    Like several posters here, I was surprised to not see sidecars as an option. I really dig all three of these, as well as some of the options other people listed. Really like the Morgan three wheeler, too. I just like interesting vehicles, I guess. My personal favorite would be a bobbed HD Servicar. Old and slow, but cool to me.
