Pocahontas County Tour

The bad news is there’s limited cell phone service in Pocahontas County, West Virginia. The good news is there is limited cell phone service, so you can disconnect for a while, be more attentive to your travel partner(s), and engage at a deeper level with the local people you meet along the way. Sitting outside the country store in Slatyfork and listening to Tom Shipley tell how his family had been in the area since the 1700s was just one of the incredible stories I heard during my visit; and just one of the many times not reaching for the cell phone every time we stopped paid huge dividends during my stay in Pocahontas County.

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Experience Pocahontas County – West Virginia's Best Treasure

Waking from a restful night’s sleep, I could have been in the Garden of Eden. There was a sense of complete peace. The fresh, crisp air carried delightful bird serenades. A mist hung over the serene valley as the sun began to peak over the ancient mountains. Everything was green, lush and bursting with life. All was well. I had to bring myself back to the present and remember I was at The Inn at Mountain Quest, in Pocahontas County, West Virginia, with my motorcycle parked outside my door.

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