Kawasaki Teases 2011 Ninja ZX-10R

Motorcycle.com Staff
by Motorcycle.com Staff

Kawasaki teases 2011 Ninja ZX-10R

New engine, frame and suspension for literbike
By Motorcycle.Com Staff, Jun. 21, 2010
Kawasaki has released a sketch and teaser video for its 2011 Ninja ZX-10R sportbike.

Very little in the way of detail has been announced, but Kawasaki says the literbike will have a new engine, frame and suspension.

Kawasaki has created a new site for the new Ninja at http://www.kawasaki-challenge.com/ with a brief teaser video. Kawasaki has also set up a Twitter feed to reveal more hints about the new ZX-10R.

The ZX-10R received some updates for 2010 most notably in its ZX-6R style bodywork, but it looks like the 2011 model will see more substantial changes.

We'll have more about the 2011 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R as details emerge.

Related Reading
2010 Kawasaki ZX-10R Review
2010 Literbike Shootout: RSV4 R vs S1000RR vs CBR1000RR vs ZX-10R

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