Church Of MO: Proper Motorcycle Lane Positioning

Normally our Church features are about bikes from the past. But today we're making an exception to the rule to bring you the first post Evans Brasfield contributed to MO. To keep his spirit alive, today we're looking back at a timeless topic of motorcycling, written in a way that only Evans can deliver. The information is as relevant now as it ever was, too.

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Lessons From a MOron: Essential Throttle Control Techniques

If there’s one skill on a motorcycle that we take for granted, throttle control might very well be it. If you know how to ride a motorcycle, then you know you need to twist your right wrist. It’s such a fundamental part of what we do, we don’t even think about it. We joke about it all the time, too, using hand motions to “pin it” and go “WFO.” But as any coach of any sport will tell you, mastering the fundamentals is key, and knowing how to use the throttle effectively will go a long way in your motorcycling journey.

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Ten Motorcycle Riding Tips, Tricks and Techniques

I can barely walk and chew gum at the same time, but one thing I’ve gotten a pretty good hang of is riding motorcycles. I’ve been doing it now for over 20 years (I’m 28 and three-quarter years old) and have picked up a few tips and tricks along the way that have not only helped me become a better rider, but a smarter rider as well.

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