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Shadow 750 Vs 883R Reader Feedback
Elliot Strong
(IC: )
Published: August 26th, 2002
We have this theory that it's possible to have fun on almost anything with two wheels with the proper mindset. To test this theory, Hackfu and El_Flaco disappeared into the hills for a day with these two cruisers...
Get Motorcycle.com in your InboxTorrance, California, August 26, 2002 --Stonehenge. Do you know why the ancients built them? I don't. In fact, nobody really knows for sure why it was built. That's what a lot of people say about these cruisers. "Why'd you get a little Shadow? Didn't you know about the VTX?" You know, that sort of thing...
But in all fairness, anything with two wheels is fun, isn't it? I mean, we had a blast riding scooters, that's for sure. And even anti-cruiser John slowly started warming up to the long-and-low set after riding both the Volusia and the Vulcan.
Intrigued? Hey, even if cruisers aren't your bag, it's an entertaining read, so check out the article and heave-ho your feedback at us below.
Elliot Strong
More by Elliot Strong
Published August 26th, 2002 6:00 AM
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