Pirelli Sweep the Podium Sweep-Stakes.
Rome, Georgia: Be a double winner and a big grinner with the purchase of PirelliDiablo tires: ride on the world's best tires and sign up to win a free trip to WorldSuperbike. By compliments of Pirelli's Sweep the Podium Sweepstakes, six luckyjet-setting winners will fly to the Corona Extra Italian World Superbike event atAutodromo Vallelunga, outside Rome, Italy, September 28-30, in celebration ofPirelli's sweep of the 66th Daytona 200 podium.
Experience the feel and performance of Pirelli's line of Diablo sporting tries,Diablo Strada, Diablo Corsa, Diablo Corsa III, Diablo Supercorsa, and DiabloSuperbike -- and attend the highest level of Superbike racing at the inauguralVallelunga SBK event, just outside Rome, Italy. There you'll see the world's bestSuperbike and Supersport racers, all competing on the very same record-settingPirelli Diablo racing tires available to all track riders and racers.
There are two [street or track] podium-sweeping ways to win the Pirelli Sweep thePodium Sweepstakes: either purchase a set of Diablo, Diablo Corsa III, or DiabloStrada street tires at any Parts Unlimited dealer and register to win on thewebsite, or purchase a set of Diablo racing tires at one of the track-dayorganizations below and register to win.
Each of the six Grand Prize Packages include: 1 round-trip airfare to Rome, Italy,3-nights stay in Vallelunga, Italy, 1 VIP suite ticket for World Superbike Superpoleand Race Day, where contest winners will watch the races from a catered suite andget the chance to meet the 2006 SBK champion Troy Bayliss, and other SBK racers.
There will be two drawings: three winners will be street riders and three winningtrack-day riders. The participating track-day organizations include:
NESBA 800-286-3722, PAwww.nesba.com
Zoom Zoom 1-888-929-9666, NVwww.zoomzoomtrackdays.com
Cornerspeed 704-332-3147, NCwww.cornerspeed.net
Three J's 707-933-3990, NorCalwww.3jstrackdays.com
Pro-Motion 215-675-6677, PAwww.teampromotion.com
Lone Star 713-504-5675, TXwww.lstd.com
Cascade Track Time 503-409-4727, ORwww.cascadetracktime.com
Buell Track Days 630-728-2722, WIwww.privatetracktime.com/buell_days/
Moto Corsa 503-292-7488, ORwww.motocorsa.com
Apex 2 Apex 248-752-1003, MIwww.apex2apex.net
The Track Club 408-723-8161, NorCalwww.thetrackclub.com
Pacific SS Riders 503-614-1965, ORwww.pssrtrack.com
Take it to the Track 619-819-8737, SoCalwww.ti2tt.com
All the details are at: http://www.us.pirelli.com.
No purchase necessary. Mail acopy of your Pirelli Diablo product invoice along with your sweepstakes form to:Pirelli Diablo SBK, 100 Pirelli Dr., Rome, GA 30161. Please read the rules page tosee if you qualify. Subject to availability at the time of booking. Trip dates ofSeptember 27-October 1 apply. Winners must possess a valid passport.
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