Wild Angels and Satan's Sadists on DVD

Brent Plummer
by Brent Plummer
Two biker films from the late '60s will be availablefor the first time on DVD. The Wild Angels debutson February 20th, 2001 while Satan's Sadistsskids onto the scene a week later.Movies such as Rebel Rousers, Easy Rider andThe Wild One are currently available on DVD.

One other biker flick, Devil's Angels, is availableas VHS video from www.cinefear.com along withothers out of production such as Hell's Angels '69.More information on specific biker films can beobtained from www.imdb.com which lists justabout every movie released in the USA.

The most famous motorcycle movies ever madeare probably The Wild One, Wild Angels, EasyRider and On Any Sunday. Then Came Bronsongets the nod as the best known made-for-tv pilotmovie.

Never heard of most of those mentioned, though they're probably on the SpeedVision after-hours motor madness movies they always plan in the middle of the night...

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Brent Plummer
Brent Plummer

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