Idaho Veterans Honored With Motorcycle License Plate.
Motorcycle.com Staff
(IC: employee)
Published: April 9th, 2006
HAYDEN, ID -- The first veteran's motorcycle license plate was released Saturday at City Park in Hayden Idaho.
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Published April 9th, 2006 6:00 AM
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Well, the very first veterans motorcycle plate was signed into law but how it started was by a veteran. He belonged to the Legion VFW and marine corps league and DAV, and was member of ABATE, as he wondered why the state had a vet's plate for cars and not one for motorcycles, he wrote a resolution which was carried up the channels to the governor office. it wasn't easy at first getting support' but the ABATE group he belonged to saw it differently, and they got behind it and then the veteran groups supported it eventually, the proceeds were requested to go to our cemeteries for upkeep on veteran's graves. The concept started years before but didn't get done until later, but it got done and passed. I believe we were the first to implement the veteran's motorcycle plate in the country' but not quite really sure, no matter what we advocated it and it took off across the country even more' supporting our veterans and Honor of all our fallen soldier's So now you know, the very first plate is still on my bike (Harley Davidson 2003 dyna wide glide 100th university edition)
that's anniversary edition.