24 Hours Of Silliness Aboard The Benelli TnT135

You’d think we’d learn our lesson by now with these darn 24-hour races. Our Grom debacle was a serious test of our resolve and had us questioning why we even rode motorcycles in the first place, while our time aboard the Kymco K-Pipe we also rode around the clock didn’t present us with any problems, but boy was it ungodly slow. Maybe in my attempt to recreate the sense of accomplishment that comes with being the first electric team to complete a 24-hour race, I’ve tricked my MO cohorts into thinking racing little bikes for a whole day is fun. Thankfully, being MOrons, we clearly don’t learn our lesson.

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Twice Around The Clock On A Kymco K-Pipe 125

Never again. That’s what I told myself after the debacle that was Team MO’s attempt at the inaugural United Mini Racing Association’s 24-hour race last year aboard our diabolical Project Honda Grom. I was done with this crap. Never had I been so mentally and physically exhausted in my life, and it was all from wrestling around the worst handling motorcycle all of us on staff had ever ridden while trying to save face for MO’s reputation and not completely embarrass ourselves (the jury is still out on whether we succeeded).

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24 Hours of Grange, Take 2!

Last year, the mighty men of MO participated in the UMRA’s 24 Hour Endurance Race at beautiful Grange Motor Circuit in Apple Valley, California. Their highly modified but lightly tested Honda Grom carried them to a less-than-stellar finish but yet a satisfying sense of accomplishment.

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