Which Small SUVs Are Most Likely to Rear-End You?

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has updated its vehicle-to-vehicle front collision testing to learn how well small SUVs do at avoiding hitting motorcycles – and as most motorcyclists suspect, the results were not very impressive.

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Why You Need ABS On Your Next Motorcycle

It goes without saying that motorcycles are inherently more dangerous than cars, but that hasn’t stopped motorcycle manufacturers from trying to reduce the safety gap as much as possible. It’s often worth looking at the safety systems in the car world to get a glimpse into what might be coming down the pipeline for motorcycles.

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Head Shake - For Our Own Good?

How much is enough? When does a rational person look at what is available in motorcycle showrooms and say, “Okay, that’s enough for me.” Or even more paternalistically, that’s enough for you, too. What is too much? Is there too much?

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