Church of MO: 2011 Supersport Shootout – Track

Don’t think there’s any plan for a 2021 “600 Shootout,” as the only two left are the Kawasaki and Suzuki. Sad, really. With modern quickshifters and things, these bikes might’ve evolved into something great. The Ninja 636 H2 should be along any minute now… While you’re waiting, here’s the track portion of the Supersport Shootout from a decade ago, complete with Fonzie video, starring the evergreen Troy “Trizzle” Siahaan, the Dukester himself, and Pete Brissette.

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Video Recommendation: Gymkhana On A CBR600RR!

So, you think you’ve got throttle control and can get your motorcycle to do your bidding? Think again, Sparky. Although this video has been around a while, it still demonstrates jaw-dropping bike control technique that just might give even GOAT Valentino Rossi pause. Gymkhana ain’t easy, and notching a good time takes tons of skill. Your resident MOrons have even partaken of the sport a few times, but jeepers creepers, seeing this rider toss a CBR600RR around like it’s a little 125 sends chills down our collective spines. If you’ve got some time to kill, we can’t think of a better way than to give this video a couple viewings.

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As Someone Who is Still Fairly New to Motorcycling, How Much Would I Save by Buying a CBR600RR Rather Than a CBR1000RR?

It would be generally expected that the smaller cc’d motorcycle would be cheaper to insure. This, however, depends greatly on the rider and the area in which you live, as well as the performance of the cycle. It is always best to obtain a quote for each cycle, and compare from there. Prices for insurance may vary by brand of cycle as well. When you are getting insurance quotes ask the insurance agent to quote several bikes. This will give you a feel for the cost of different styles and sizes of bikes.

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