Speed Wobble Ends In Devastation

It’s unfortunate when a motorcyclist ends up on the ground, and it’s especially cringe-inducing to watch a motorcyclist wearing minimal gear hit the ground this hard and slide for as long as we see here. A speed wobble can be devastating, and this head-shaking scenario recorded on California’s Interstate 80 near Sacramento is one the rider will never forget. We probably won’t, either… 

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If I Sign up and Pay for an Insurance Policy to Start on May 1 but I Get Into an Accident on April 15 (let's Say Under Another Insurer's Policy), Will the New Policy Be Affected?

This depends on the timing of the purchase. While it varies by state, insurers generally have a couple of months to underwrite a policy and review driving history. If the accident date is just a short time before the new policy is written, you might get lucky and it may not yet be reflected on the MVR at the time the insurance company does its underwriting review. Even if that is the case, however, there is a good chance that the accident will affect your rate when the policy next comes up for renewal.

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Five Things You Must Do Following a Motorcycle Accident

Crashing sucks and never more so than when riding a motorcycle. The risk of bodily injury from even a minor accident is far greater than when involved in a similar situation while piloting an automobile.

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If Somebody Hits Me and It's Completely Their Fault (say I'm Stopped at a Light), Do My Rates Increase? What If It Happens More Than Once?

If you’re in an accident that’s determined to completely be the other driver’s fault, your motorcycle insurance rates with Progressive would not increase, even if there were multiple occurrences. Our practice is to only charge for accidents in which you’re found to be at-fault. Other companies may treat not-at-fault accidents differently in their pricing, so if you’re insured with another company, it’s a good idea to check with your agent or your insurance carrier regarding their treatment of incidents like this.

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How To Make An Insurance Claim

It’s safe to say most motorcyclists dread the claims process. Claims are a hassle. Most people simply do not want to understand the claims process. They just want the money due to them to make them “whole” again. Well, life is not that easy and you should be proactive in your own claim or the claims paid to others.

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