Mark Gardiner's 'Riding Man' Now on Kindle

Kevin Duke
by Kevin Duke
Considering that Mark Gardiner's memoir Riding Man first appeared four years ago, it was somewhat surprisingly featured in both of the U.S.' largest-circulation motorcycle magazines' April editions. First Cycle World's Peter Egan wrote about Gardiner's Isle of Man adventure in his monthly 'Leanings' column. Then, Gardiner himself outed Hollywood producer Mark Clayman, leaking the news that Clayman's pitching a feature based on the story.

Ironically, while that press prompted a huge search in searches for "Riding Man," Gardiner's book sold out last month.

"I'm working on a second printing," Gardiner tells us, "but the thing with that 'old media' is, the lead times are measured in weeks or months. In the last couple of weeks, I've watched as two copies changed hands between private sellers and buyers on Amazon for $50 and $75. If I see copies going for over $100, I'm going to insist that my mom give me her copy back, and I'll sell it myself."

New media to the rescue! Readers with a Kindle or an iPad can download Riding Man now, for $9.99.

MO readers can find Riding Man at the Amazon Kindle store.

On the Hollywood front, producer Mark Clayman is working with Tom Guttry (the avid motorcyclist who brought Gardiner's story to his attention) to produce a sizzle reel that will help them attract a suitable star to the project. "Clayman's last film was 'The Pursuit of Happyness,' which starred Will Smith, so I guess if a feature version of Riding Man comes together I'll need lots more books" says Gardiner.

"But writers say, 'Hollywood is the land of the slow no' so although I'd love to see the film get made, I'm not quitting my day job. By the way, if any MO readers happen to know what my day job is, they should tell me what it is."

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Kevin Duke
Kevin Duke

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